How To Edit Calendar Users Inside Your STS CRM™

Managing Call Links and Calendar Integration for Efficient User Updates

Step 1: Adjust Call Links

  1. Manage Call Links: As your company evolves, modify individual access on existing call links without creating new ones.

Step 2: Configure User Settings

  1. Ensure Calendar Integration:
    • Navigate to Settings and access "My Staff" (admin) or "My Profile" (user).
    • Scroll down to connect a specific calendar (e.g., iCloud, Zoom).

Step 3: Integrate Calendars

  1. Connect Google Calendar: If using "My Staff," click "Edit" and manage primary and secondary calendars for scheduling.

Step 4: Set User Preferences

  1. Select Video Conferencing Software: Choose between Zoom or Google Meets under user availability settings.

Step 5: Update User Assignments

  1. Modify Calendar Users:
    • Access calendars, select the desired calendar, and update user assignments (e.g., prioritize users like Michael).
    • Ensure consistency with chosen video conferencing software (Zoom or Google Meets).

Step 6: Confirm and Save

  1. Sync Settings:
    • Verify software consistency between user settings and calendar selections.
    • Click save to apply changes and automate updates across platforms.


Efficiently manage and update user access on specific call links and integrate calendars seamlessly with Zoom or Google Meets for streamlined scheduling and collaboration.